Polio Immunization By TNI And Puskesmas Was Enthusiastically Welcomed By Beoga Residents

    Polio Immunization By TNI And Puskesmas Was Enthusiastically Welcomed By Beoga Residents

    PUNCAK - The Task Forces of the Raider Infantry Battalion 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, one of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (KOOPS TNI) in Papua, is currently carrying out mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Puncak Regency area, Papua Tengah Province. On Sunday, 21 July 2024.

    The 323 Task Forces, especially the Beoga Post led by First Lieutenant Ari Surahman, implemented the results of Social Communication with the Beoga Puskesmas (Community Hospital) in organizing a free Polio Immunization for children under age five in the Beoga District.

    In his emphasis on the Soldiers, the Commander of the 323 Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, conveyed the importance of the Task Forces' attention to the basic necessities of the community around the Post. Therefore, since its assignment in Papua, the Beoga Post has conducted Social Communication with stakeholders in its Area of Responsibility to follow up on the emphasis. At the beginning of July, 1LT Ari met Mrs. Erina Murib, Head of the Beoga Puskesmas, regarding health problems experienced by the Beoga residents. As a result, Mrs. Erina said that the Polio Virus was a threat that had to be anticipated to prevent its spread. After discussions between the two, the time and place for the free Polio Immunization was agreed on Sunday morning at the Beoga Puskesmas.

    After preparations were completed, the Soldiers with Puskesmas Health Workers were ready to conduct the free Polio Immunization at the location. Not long after, Papuan Mothers flocked to the location to get free Polio Immunization for their children. After the activity, a Papuan Mother, named Marta Uamang, said "Thank you, Om Tentara (Soldier) and Mrs. Doctor, our children have been vaccinated free Polio Immunization. God bless."

    "The initiative of the 323 Task Forces in collaboration with the Beoga Puskesmas in providing free Polio Immunization for children under age five in the Beoga District, is the TNI’s effort to provide basic necessities services, especially in the Health sector, to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region, " said the KOOPS TNI Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the program report.

    puncak papua
    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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